Are bearded dragons friendly? This is a question many pet owners ask, especially those considering adding one to their family. Bearded dragons are unique and fascinating creatures that can make great companions for the right person.
To ensure you have all the information necessary to decide if a bearded dragon is right for your home, we’ll be covering everything from proper care and behavior of these animals to socializing them, training them and providing enrichment activities. So let’s dive in and find out if these popular reptiles really are as friendly as they seem.

Table of Contents:
- Bearded Dragon Care
- Bearded Dragon Behavior
- Socializing Your Bearded Dragon
- Training Your Bearded Dragon
- Enrichment for Your Bearded Dragon
- FAQs in Relation to Are Bearded Dragon Friendly
- Conclusion
Bearded Dragon Care

Bearded dragons are unique and fascinating creatures that make great pets. Proper care is essential for them to stay healthy, so it’s important to understand the basics of bearded dragon care.
Bearded dragons require a large enclosure with plenty of room to move around and explore. A 20-gallon tank or larger is ideal for an adult bearded dragon. The bottom of the habitat should be lined with a material that’s safe and easy to maintain, such as paper towels or reptile carpeting.
Provide multiple hiding spots in the form of rocks, logs, branches, or other decorations that your pet can hide under when they feel stressed out or threatened by other animals in their environment. Make sure there’s enough ventilation in the bearded dragon’s enclosure as well since proper air circulation is key for keeping your beardie healthy and happy.
As omnivores, female and male bearded dragons need a balanced diet consisting of both insects and vegetables. Offer crickets dusted with calcium powder twice daily along with dark leafy greens like collard greens or kale once per day (make sure you remove any uneaten food before it starts rotting). You can also offer small amounts of fruits like mangoes or papayas as occasional treats but never feed them anything sugary. In addition to this regular diet, provide fresh water every day in a shallow dish that’s easy for your pet to access; misting their enclosure regularly will also help keep them hydrated if they don’t drink from their bowl often enough on their own accord.
Bearded dragons require temperatures between 75°F – 85°F during the day (with one basking spot reaching up to 95°F) and no lower than 65°F at night time; humidity levels should remain between 30% – 40%. To achieve these conditions inside the enclosure, use an appropriate thermometer/hygrometer combo device along with UVB bulbs positioned close enough for your pet to bask underneath without burning themselves (the closer they are placed – within 12 inches – the better). Additionally, install a ceramic heat emitter on one side of the cage which will provide supplemental heat throughout cold nights while helping maintain consistent temperature levels inside during daytime hours too.
Overall, proper care of a tame bearded dragon is essential to ensure its health and wellbeing. With the right environment, diet, and handling techniques you can create an ideal habitat for your pet. Continuing from the discussion of creating a suitable habitat for your bearded dragon, let’s explore how their behavior can impact their health.
Bearded Dragon Behavior

Bearded dragons, a popular pet choice, need ample attention and care to guarantee their health. It’s important for owners to understand the behavior of their bearded dragon so that they can provide them with the best possible environment.
Handling and Interaction:
Bearded dragons are relatively docile animals, but it is still important to handle them correctly. When handling your beardie, be sure to support its body from underneath rather than picking it up by its tail or limbs. This will help prevent injury and stress in your pet. Additionally, always wash your hands before and after handling your bearded dragon as some parasites can be passed on through contact with humans or other pets.
Signs of Stress:
Knowing how to recognize signs of stress in a bearded dragon is key for providing proper care. Signs such as pacing back-and-forth along the terrarium walls, excessive scratching at objects or surfaces, changes in appetite or activity level may indicate that something isn’t right with your beardie’s environment or diet. Observe any variations in conduct that may point to distress and make sure you look further into what could be the source of it so as to address problems expeditiously before matters become worse for your pet.
Bearded dragons can be great pets, yet it is essential to grasp their conduct and how they communicate with humans and other creatures. With proper socialization, your bearded dragon will be a friendly companion that you’ll enjoy spending time with. Now, we’ll explore strategies to assist your reptile companion in adapting to its environment and forming positive relationships with other creatures.
Socializing Your Bearded Dragon

Socializing your bearded dragon is an important part of their overall care. Socializing your bearded dragon is key to its wellbeing; doing so can help it become more at ease with people and other animals, making handling and interacting much easier. Here are some tips for introducing other pets and humans to your bearded dragon:
Introducing Other Pets:
When introducing a new pet into the home, make sure that you do so in a safe environment where both animals can feel secure. Position the cages near each other, not touching, to let the animals get accustomed to one another’s presence without feeling threatened. Once they seem relaxed, try slowly moving their cages closer together until they’re side-by-side or even touching if possible. If there are no signs of aggression from either animal after several days of this process, then you may consider letting them explore each other’s space while supervised.
Building trust between a human and a bearded dragon takes time and patience. To begin socializing your beardie with people start by talking softly near its cage as often as possible so that it becomes accustomed to hearing voices nearby.
Then move on to offering treats through the bars or inside the enclosure when appropriate; this will help create positive associations with people being present in its habitat which can encourage bonding over time. Finally, once your beardie seems comfortable enough let someone carefully pick it up using both hands (one hand under its belly) for short periods at first before gradually increasing handling times as needed – always paying attention for any signs of stress such as hissing or tail twitching.
Socializing your bearded dragon is an important part of keeping them happy and healthy. With the right training, you can make sure that they are comfortable with other pets and humans alike. Now let’s move on to how we can train our beloved dragons for basic commands and tricks.
Training Your Bearded Dragon

Training your bearded dragon is an important part of owning one, and clicker training is a great way to get started. Clicker training uses positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors in your pet. This type of reward-based training can help you build trust with your reptile companion while teaching them basic commands and tricks to make your bearded dragons good pets.
Basic Commands and Tricks
Bearded dragons are intelligent creatures that can learn many simple commands and tricks. Start by teaching them their name, as this will make it easier for you to call them when needed or give them verbal cues during training sessions. You can also teach your beardie how to come when called, sit on command, wave hello or goodbye, jump through hoops or even play dead. These fun activities not only provide mental stimulation but they also strengthen the bond between you two. To begin teaching these commands use treats as rewards each time they do something correctly until they understand what’s expected of them.
Clicker Training Basics
To start using this method, first introduce your pet to the sound by pressing down on the clicker several times in quick succession, then immediately follow up with a treat or any food your bearded dragons eat afterwards. Repeat this process until they become comfortable with associating it with food rewards before beginning formalized lessons.
Enrichment for Your Bearded Dragon

Enrichment is an important part of keeping a healthy and happy bearded dragon. Toys and activities, as well as natural environments, can provide mental stimulation for your pet.
Toys and Activities:
Bearded dragons need toys that are specifically designed for them. These include items such as digging boxes, climbing structures, hideouts, rocks to climb on or bask under, branches to perch on or rub against their scales, tunnels to explore in and much more. You can also use interactive toys like balls they can push around with their noses or food puzzles they have to figure out how to get the food out of. All these things will keep your beardie entertained while providing physical exercise too.
Natural Environments:
Natural environments are also great enrichment opportunities for bearded dragons. Creating a terrarium that mimics their native habitat provides them with plenty of places to explore and investigate – just make sure it’s secure so they don’t escape. You can add plants (real or artificial), logs for hiding in or basking on top of; even adding some soil from outside so they have something familiar is beneficial. Don’t forget the water dish either – this helps create humidity which is essential for your beardie’s health.
In addition to providing enrichment through toys and activities, you should also try spending time interacting with your bearded dragon every day. This could be playing games together such as chasing a ball around the floor or simply sitting next to them while reading a book. This type of interaction will help build trust between you both and give your beardie lots of love. With regular care and attention plus plenty of fun-filled activities, you will soon see just how rewarding owning a pet reptile can be.
FAQs in Relation to Are Bearded Dragon Friendly

Are bearded dragons people friendly?
Bearded dragons can be friendly towards people if they are properly socialized and handled from a young age. Generally, these popular pet lizards enjoy being around humans and may even show signs of affection by head-bobbing or licking their owners. Despite requiring adequate space and seclusion to feel secure, if you provide your bearded dragon with the necessary care and attention, it can become comfortable enough to interact with you on its own terms. Offering the right upkeep and consideration can enable your reptilian companion to become sufficiently agreeable to draw near with you in its own particular manner.
Which bearded dragon is the friendliest?

The Pogona vitticeps, are the most popular pet lizards breed of bearded dragon, is generally considered to be one of the friendliest species in its genus compared to other bearded dragons. Their gentle disposition and tendency to bond with humans make them an ideal pet. Basking in the sun is a common activity for bearded dragons, yet they can also appreciate being handled and petted if they are accustomed to their surroundings. With proper care and attention, a bearded dragon can make an excellent companion pet that will bring joy into your home.
Is it OK to kiss your bearded dragon?
No, it is not recommended to kiss your bearded dragon. Kissing a bearded dragon is not suggested, as it may lead to the transference of germs and bacteria that could be detrimental for both you and your reptile companion. Additionally, many reptiles do not enjoy being handled or touched in this way, so kissing them may also lead to stress for the animal. For the well-being of your pet, it is best to abstain from any physical contact with a reptile.
Do bearded dragons care about you?
Bearded dragons may not show their affection in the same way as other pets, but they do recognize and respond to their owners. They can learn to associate certain behaviors with positive reinforcement, such as coming when called or taking food from your hand. Through persistence and dependability, a lasting connection of trust between you and your bearded dragon can be cultivated.

In conclusion, bearded dragons are friendly and sociable pets when given the right care. They require proper nutrition, temperature regulation, socialization with their owners and other animals, as well as enrichment activities to keep them happy. Bearded dragons can be a great pet for any family if they understand what is required to provide a healthy environment that meets all of its needs. Are bearded dragon friendly? Bearded dragons can be a wonderful companion if provided with the necessary attention and care.
Discover the best ways to care for your bearded dragon on! Get all of your questions answered and learn how to make sure they live a happy, healthy life.