Are crocodile skinks good pets? This is a question many potential pet owners have when considering adding one of these unique reptiles to their family. Given their eye-catching looks and manageable upkeep, crocodile skinks are becoming increasingly sought after as pets.
In this article, we’ll delve into the advantages and drawbacks of keeping a crocodile skink as a pet, discuss its housing needs, provide health care tips for your reptilian companion, and offer guidance on how to handle them safely.

Table of Contents:
- Overview of Crocodile Skinks
- Pros and Cons of Keeping Crocodile Skinks as Pets
- Housing Requirements for Crocodile Skinks
- Health Care for Crocodile Skinks
- Tips for Handling Crocodile Skinks Safely
- FAQs in Relation to Are Crocodile Skinks Good Pets
- Conclusion
Overview of Crocodile Skinks

Crocodile skinks, also known as crocodile newts or Tretioscincus skinks, are a species of lizard native to Southeast Asia and Papua New Guinea to the Solomon Islands. These creatures boast an appearance that is a mix of both amphibian and reptilian characteristics. These skinks are generally brown in color with darker spots and stripes on their backs. They have short legs and long tails, which can be up to twice the length of their bodies.
Crocodile skinks are small lizards measuring between 2-4 inches in length from head to tail tip. They have flattened heads with wide mouths, making them look like a miniature crocodile or alligator when viewed from above. Their armor like scales are usually dark brown or black with lighter colored bands running along their sides and backs. Some specimens may also possess bright yellow markings on their faces or bellies and even orange scales.
In the wild, these reptiles prefer humid environments such as swamps and marshes where they can hide among vegetation for protection against predators. In captivity, they should be provided with similar conditions including plenty of hiding places like rocks and logs so they feel secure enough to explore their enclosure freely without feeling threatened by potential danger lurking around every corner.
The diet of crocodile skinks consists mainly of insects such as crickets, mealworms, red worms, and wax worms. It is important to supplement this diet occasionally with fruits and vegetables for added vitamins and minerals essential for good health and growth rate. Additionally, some calcium powder sprinkled over food items helps maintain strong bones and prevent metabolic bone disease (MBD).
Overall, crocodile skinks are interesting reptiles with unique characteristics and behavior that make them a good choice for those looking to own an exotic pet. Nevertheless, prior to settling on this particular pet, certain factors must be taken into account. In the next section we will explore the pros and cons of keeping a crocodile skink as a pet.
Pros and Cons of Keeping Crocodile Skinks as Pets

Crocodile skinks make excellent pets due to their docile nature and hardy constitutions. Crocskinks can be easy to maintain, needing only a diet composed of fruits, veggies, and bugs. They have an interesting appearance with their unique body shape and colorful scales. In addition, they are quite small compared to other lizards so they don’t take up too much space in your home. As long as you provide them with the right environment and food sources, crocodile skinks can be quite active during the day time hours.
Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks when it comes to keeping crocodile skinks as pets. For one thing, these lizards require specialized lighting or UVB light which can be expensive if you don’t already own the necessary equipment or know how to set it up properly. Additionally, because of their size they may not always be visible in larger cages making them difficult to observe at times. Lastly, since these animals do not like being handled too often you may find that interacting with them is more challenging than other types of reptiles or amphibians that enjoy human contact more readily such as frogs or turtles
Overall, crocodile skinks can make interesting and rewarding pets if you are willing to provide the necessary housing requirements. Nonetheless, it is crucial to think about the pros and cons of owning these reptiles prior to committing. Given the potential commitment involved, it is important to consider what type of cage setup and temperature/humidity levels will be necessary for crocodile skinks.
Housing Requirements for Crocodile Skinks

Cage Size and Setup:
Crocodile skinks require a spacious enclosure that is at least 3 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 1.5 feet tall. The habitat must be constructed of a robust material, such as glass or Plexiglas, and have an impenetrable lid to thwart any escape attempts. A substrate of peat moss or coconut fiber should be used to maintain humidity levels in the enclosure and provide a place for burrowing. Branches, rocks, hides, and other décor can also be added to give your pet places to explore and hide.
Heat needs differ contingent upon the species, yet by and large run from 24-29°C (75-85°F). A basking spot should be provided that reaches 90-95°F (32-35°C). Nighttime temperatures can drop slightly lower than daytime temperatures, but not below 70°F (21°C). To maintain proper humidity levels in the enclosure it is important to mist regularly using warm water until droplets form on the sides of the tank walls; this will help keep your crocodile skink healthy and content.
To guarantee the health and contentment of your crocodile skink, it is essential to make sure that its habitat meets all necessary size and configuration prerequisites. With proper care, they can be a wonderful pet for many years. We must take steps to guarantee the optimal health of our crocodile skink by giving it proper care.
Health Care for Crocodile Skinks

Health care for crocodile skinks is an important part of responsible pet ownership. Reptiles, such as crocodile skinks, can have particular health concerns that require appropriate veterinary attention to avoid or control.
Common Health Issues
Crocodile skinks are susceptible to several common health problems, including parasites and respiratory infections. They can also suffer from metabolic bone disease if their diet lacks the necessary calcium and vitamin D3 levels. Additionally, improper housing conditions can lead to skin irritation or infection due to high humidity levels or inadequate temperatures.
Veterinary Care
Regular visits to the veterinarian are essential for keeping your crocodile skink healthy and happy. During these check-ups, your veterinarian will look for any potential health problems or wounds and administer the necessary vaccinations. Your vet may also recommend regular deworming treatments depending on your pet’s age and lifestyle habits. It is imperative that you heed your veterinarian’s advice to guarantee the best possible wellbeing for your reptilian pet.
Maintaining knowledge of your crocodile skink’s medical requirements is key to its thriving. By forming a connection and utilizing correct handling methods, you can establish an enduring bond with your reptile companion and take pleasure in it for years to come.
Tips for Handling Crocodile Skinks Safely

For crocodile skinks, safety should be the primary consideration when handling them. Knowing how to properly handle your pet can help ensure that you and your reptilian companion have a positive experience together.
Basic Handling Guidelines
Crocodile skinks are delicate animals and require gentle care when being handled. It’s best to start by allowing them to get used to their environment before attempting any kind of interaction with them. When they feel comfortable enough, approach slowly and gently place one hand under their belly while supporting their body with the other hand. Avoid picking up your skink from above as this may cause stress or frighten them. This species may play dead if startled and may roll over as though it’s dead. If needed, be sure to handle your skink cautiously and firmly in order to keep them from getting hurt or attempting an escape.
Bonding With Your Pet
Once you’ve gotten used to each other, bonding with your crocodile skink can be an enjoyable experience for both of you. These species are relatively new to the pet world which is why you should take some time out of every day for regular handling sessions helps create a trusting relationship between the two of you over time – just like humans need trust-building activities. You could also try offering treats such as small insects or fruits as rewards during these sessions which will help reinforce good behavior and encourage further bonding experiences between the two of you. Just remember not to overfeed them as this could lead to health problems down the line.
FAQs in Relation to Are Crocodile Skinks Good Pets

Are crocodile skinks good pets?
Crocodile skinks make great pets for experienced reptile owners. These skinks necessitate a hot, moist habitat with temps between 75-85°F for optimal care. Their diet consists of insects such as crickets, mealworms and wax worms. These animals also need plenty of hiding places to feel secure in their enclosure, making them an ideal pet for those looking for something different than the usual small mammal or bird species.
Can crocodile skinks be held?
Yes, crocodile skinks can be held. They are generally gentle and calm creatures that make great pets for those looking for a unique reptilian companion. It is important to handle them correctly; use two hands with one hand supporting the body from underneath and the other gently grasping the tail near its base. Additionally, it’s best to avoid handling when they’re eating or shedding their skin as this can cause stress on them. With proper care and handling, crocodile skinks can make a wonderful pet.
What is the temperament of a crocodile skink?
Crocodile skinks are generally docile and shy creatures, preferring to hide away when they feel threatened. During daylight hours, these creatures tend to be fairly active but as the sun sets they become more withdrawn. With proper handling and socialization from a young age, crocodile skinks can become very tame and even enjoy being handled by their owners. While they may not show much affection towards humans like cats or dogs do, they will often recognize their owner’s voice and respond positively with gentle movements of their body or head.
Are Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks friendly to humans?
Red Eyed Crocodile Skink are generally not considered to be friendly towards humans. They can become accustomed to handling, but they will usually remain skittish and shy away from contact. To guarantee the wellbeing of red eyed crocodile skink care is needed, it is essential to give them a secure habitat so as not to cause unnecessary anxiety or dread. Proper handling techniques should also be used when interacting with these animals to ensure their safety and comfort.

To sum up, crocodile skinks can be a rewarding pet if their habitat and care are adequately attended to. They require a warm enclosure that is well-ventilated and large enough for them to move around in comfortably. Additionally, they need regular health checkups by an experienced reptile vet as well as proper nutrition. With patience and dedication, these lizards can be rewarding companions who will bring joy into your home. So when it comes to answering the question “are crocodile skinks good pets?” The answer is yes – but only if you have the time and resources necessary to meet their needs properly.
If you’re looking for information on whether crocodile skinks make good pets, then is the place to go! Our comprehensive coverage of pet care and ownership provides all the answers you need to decide if a crocodile skink would be right for your home.