Can Dogs Eat Lobster? Read This Before You Feed

If you’re a dog owner, worrying about whether or not the food you feed your dog is safe must be a constant source of stress. We all get suggestions from friends and read articles about how and what to feed our dog. 

There are a plethora of studies demonstrating the harmful effects of specific foods, and you may be feeling daunted by the number of options available to you in this respect. Which meals can you eat without worrying? Which of these should be avoided? 

Food safety for your dog should be evaluated based on the breed and size of your pet, above everything else. If the confusion of feeding lobsters to your dog has added to your stress, this page is what you need. Dogs enjoy eating lobsters. However, there are still a few things that are essential to be kept in mind. 

In this page, you’ll be getting to know: 

  • If lobsters are healthy for dogs or not.
  • What are the benefits of feeding lobster to your dog?
  • What are the various risks associated with dogs eating lobsters?
  • Proper way of preparing lobster for your dog.
  • Frequently Asked Questions 

So without further due, let’s get started! 

Can Dogs Eat Lobster? Yes or No  

It’s a 100% yes. Adding lobster in your dog’s diet is a completely safe option. In fact, it is rich in nutrients and many other beneficial sources that are important for your dog’s good health. 

However, one thing that shouldn’t be neglected is the amount of lobster you are feeding to your dog. Dogs’ bodies have less capacity than humans. Thus, it is advised to feed your dog lobster in small amounts.

Always Remember: If your dog has a history of regular health issues or serious illness, it is advised to consult your vet before feeding lobster to your furry buddy. 

Health Benefits of Feeding Lobster To Your Dog

As we mentioned earlier, feeding lobsters to your little buddy is healthy and beneficial in many ways. Wish to know about it in detail? Here you go: 

Omega 3

Lobsters are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which promote healthy brain development in puppies and cardiovascular function in senior dogs. Omega-3 fatty acids are especially helpful for dogs suffering from any kind of heart disease.

High Protein 

Generally, a healthy adult dog requires at least 20 grams of protein each day. A 3-ounce portion of steamed lobster contains more than grams of protein. This makes it a perfect one time meal for your poodle. 

The protein in lobster also develops strong and healthy muscles in dogs.

Nutritional Benefits 

Cooked lobster meat contains several essential vitamins and minerals including zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, copper, calcium, and vitamin B12. These nutrients help your dog develop strong joints, healthy bones and a robust immune system.

Never Forget: If you are feeding any kind of seafood to your dog, make sure it’s not smelly and old. Always feed fresh and of good quality.

Risks Associated With Feeding Lobster 

Now that we are done with the positive side of feeding lobsters. It’s time for the negatives. Here are a few reasons why lobster could be a health hazard for your pooch: 

High on Cholesterol 

The high level of cholesterol and salt in lobsters can cause pancreatitis and obesity in dogs.  Try to avoid lobster If your dog already has health issues like hypertension, high blood pressure and obesity, as lobster might cause gas and weight gain in their body. 

Allergic Reaction

Some dogs’ bodies are sensitive to lobster meat. If your dog starts to exhibit signs of food allergies and infection in the dog’s stomach within a few days of eating lobster, you should avoid feeding any kind of seafood and keep your dog on a lighter diet. 

Some symptoms of food allergy include vomiting, skin irritation, or gastro intestinal pain. If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, take them to the vet immediately. 


The amount of sodium present in a lobster’s body is very high. Around 5% of its body is composed of salt. Sodium does provide many health benefits to a dog’s body. But only if it’s fed in moderation. 

Excessive consumption of foods high in sodium level can result in nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, convulsions, high fever, tremors, and other symptoms. Another reason why you shouldn’t offer your dog more than a limited amount of lobster at one time is because it can lead to dehydration.

Lobster Shell

It’s important to always separate the lobster shells from the white meat, since it could cause choking, an obstruction in the intestines, or even harm your pet’s oesophagus permanently. The dog’s teeth are strong enough to break lobster shells into pieces. So make sure that your dog eats only the white meat.

Do You Know?: Fishes that are a good source of Omega 3 are the best seafood option for dogs. 


Mercury is found in high concentrations in a variety of shellfish, including lobsters. Because of this, lobsters can turn out to be hazardous to your dog’s health if consumed in big quantities at once. 

Poisoning from mercury can cause a variety of symptoms in dogs, including bloody diarrhoea, vomiting, paw numbness, convulsions, stomach discomfort, blindness, lack of coordination, and issues with the kidneys.

How To Prepare Lobster For Dogs

Never feed raw lobster meat to your dog as raw lobsters carry intestinal parasites. The safest way to feed lobster to your furry friend is by boiling or steaming it. It is also not suggested to feed the same lobster dish that you are having to your dog. 

When individuals prepare meals for themselves, they frequently add seasonings and other ingredients such as onion, garlic, and butter. These kinds of additional ingredients may not be appropriate for dogs to ingest.

Here is an easy guide on how to prepare boiled lobster for your dog: 

  • Step1- Take a big pot and fill it with plain water. Make sure to use only fresh drinkable water and not tap water. 
  • Step2- Add half tablespoon of salt in the pot. Salt helps to remove bacteria and parasites from lobster while it gets cooked. 
  • Step3- Start boiling the water on a medium flame. Once your water is boiled, now its time to put lobster in it. 
  • Step4- Add the lobster to the boiling without removing the bands. Set a timer for 15 minutes and let it boil with the lid on. Don’t take it out until its properly cooked.

Note: For each additional pound after 1.5 pounds, boil for 5 more minutes. 

  • Step 5- With the help of tongs, take the lobster out of the pot. Now it’s time to take out the white flesh. 
  • Step 6- Crack open the lobster claws using a nutcracker or any other tool and try to take out the white lobster meat. To take out the meat effectively, first remove the lobster’s shell and try again. 
  • Step 7- Once you have taken out the white meat, with the help of a knife with sharp edges, start cutting the meat into small pieces. 

Tip: You can serve lobster to your pooch in two different ways:

  • By mixing it up with regular canned or dry food
  • By giving it as a treat

Healthy Food Alternatives For Dogs

The table below shows various food alternatives that you can consider feeding your dog if he is allergic to lobster or doesn’t like its taste. 

Food ItemHealth Benefits 
Boiled EggsHigh in protein Good for hair
Beef StewHigh in protein, iron and zincKeeps joints and muscles healthy 
Fish (rich in omega 3)Decreases Inflammation in bellyPerfect food for dogs with food allergy from chicken
Cheese High in calcium Best for concealing pills during medication 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Still got some doubts? Let’s clear them all with a quick FAQ. 

Is Seafood Toxic For Dog’s Bodies?

There are a variety of food items that come under the seafood category. Some of those items that are a good source of omega 3 are healthy for dogs. However, fishes like tilefish, swordfish, king mackerel, canned albacore tuna are unhealthy for your dog. 

What parts of lobster should not be fed to dogs? 

The “sac” like stomach that is positioned behind the eyes of a lobster consists of shells and digestive fluids that are not edible and should be removed before feeding. 

Can Dogs Eat Lobster Tail? 

No. Consuming lobster tail can tear your dog’s oesophagus, stomach and can even perforate their digestive tract. If you think your dog has chewed up and ingested any part of a lobster shell, you should take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Summary Time 

  • Always cook the lobster properly before feeding it to your dog. Raw seafood might make your dog sick due to germs and parasites. 
  • Don’t add spices to the lobster before giving it to your dog. Spices can make your dog nauseous. 
  • Start feeding a very little amount of lobster at first. This will help you detect any kind of allergies your dog may have. 

Time To Say Bye

Ah! Being a dog owner is epic right? Dogs are as precious as any other living being. Thus, they deserve a long and healthy lifestyle. If you are unsure about introducing lobster or other new kinds of dog food to your dog. Don’t worry! Take your time and notice your dog’s favourite flavours. This might help you find out the perfect and healthy meal option for your little one. 

That’s it! Now you know everything about feeding lobster to your dog. We hope we were able to clear all your doubts and confusions. 

Don’t forget to give hugs to your furry buddy from our side! 

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